Cnr-Istituto di Scienze Marine

L’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche svolge attività di ricerca fondamentale e applicata in oceanografia fisica, chimica e biologica e in geologia marina.

L’obiettivo è contribuire allo studio dei processi oceanici e della variabilità climatica, allo sviluppo di sistemi/servizi per l’osservazione, la protezione e la gestione sostenibile dell’ambiente marino e delle coste.

                               L’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISMAR) svolge attività di

Ricerca Fondamentale e Applicata

in oceanografia fisica, chimica e biologica e in geologia marina con l’obiettivo di contribuire sia allo studio dei processi oceanici e della variabilità climatica che allo sviluppo di sistemi/servizi per l’osservazione, la protezione e la gestione sostenibile dell’ambiente marino e delle coste








Dati presto disponibili

Addressing conservation with marine spatial planning in the age of climate change

Dr. Gissi will discuss the challenge of addressing conservation problems with marine spatial planning (MSP) in the framework of sustainable blue growth, and propose cases and solutions by producing the relevant ecological knowledge to inform decisions. In the age of climate change (CC), MSP faces new challenges, such as understanding the response of the marine environment to the combined effects of CC and other local human stressors. Dr. Gissi will give a perspective on sex-based analysis in marine sciences to revise the traditional MSP process in a context of a fast-changing climate

Collegamento WEBEX:

“By accessing this meeting you acknowledge that it will be recorded and made available on the ISMAR cloud. Chat and participant list will not be recorded.”
We ask everybody to mute their microphone, unless intervening.
Per informazioni sulla partecipazione:

Prossimo seminario: Eleonora Ficini, 18 feb 2021 hr 11


Sottomissione articoli scientifici su Special Volume Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI) Advance in Sedimentology and Coastal and Marine Geology

Message from the Guest Editor

Dear Colleagues,
The objective of this Special Issue is to collect research papers in the field of sedimentology and coastal and marine geology, including seismic and sequence stratigraphy, geological mapping, tephrostratigraphy and facies analysis, both onshore and offshore. We will focus on the Italian continental margins, including both the southern Tyrrhenian Sea and the southern Adriatic Sea, but we also acknowledge research papers on extra-Mediterranean examples. The interaction of the control factors controlling the sedimentation on the continental margins, including volcanism, tectonics, sedimentary supply and sea-level fluctuations, represents another important topic of this Special Issue. Possibly, geoarchaeology in coastal sectors will provide another important research topic, also if genetically related to the sea level changes. Tephrostratigraphy, as a method to calibrate the seismic horizons through gravity core analysis, represents another topic of this Special Issue.
Guest Editor

Assistant Editor:
Alisa Liu


Next seminar

23 Jan. 2025, time: 14:30

Dr. Francesco Chierici (Istituto di Radioastronomia, IRA-INAF)
Monitoring slow uplift and subsidence in shallow seafloor environments using bottom pressure measurements



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“By accessing this meeting you acknowledge that it will be recorded and made available. Chat and participant list will not be recorded.”
We ask everybody to mute their microphone, unless intervening. Please write your questions in the chat