Programme: Office of Naval Research

Project title: Vital Rates of Cuvier’s beaked whales: A multi-regional comparative assessment

Acronym: ZIFIO-ONR

Duration: 01/07/2021 – 29/09/2023

Project budget: € 300.000

ISMAR budget: € 20.000

Web site: No specific project website (http://www.marecotel.org/ for the project leader organization)

The goal of this project is to estimate and compare vital rates for Cuvier’s beaked whales at five study areas around the world. These five populations have differing exposure to naval sonar systems, ranging from very little to decades of frequent use. Several vital rates are key inputs to Population Consequences of Disturbance models that seek to estimate the effects of sonar on exposed populations, which are currently unknown or poorly substantiated. The results of this project would both inform and validate those projections.

Contact person in ISMAR: simone.tenan@cnr.it


  1. Marine Ecology & Telemetry Research (USA)
  2. CIMA Research Foundation (Italy)
  3. National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
  4. Oceanides Conservación y Desarrollo Marino, A.C. (OCDM)
  5. National Commission of Natural Protected Areas Mexico (CONANP)
  6. Duke Marine Lab (USA)
  7. Kelp Marine Research (The Netherlands)