Programme: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service – Tender

Project title: Coupled ocean-wave model development in forecast environment

Acronym: WAVE2NEMO

Duration: March 2016 – February 2018

EU contribution: EUR 200.000

ISMAR budget: EUR 60.000

Web site: https://www.mercator-ocean.eu/en/portfolio/wave2nemo-2/


WAVE2NEMO is meant to cover the R&D needs of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) matching a number of middle-term priorities of the CMEMS Service Evolution Strategy. In particular, this work deals with improving the coupling of the ocean model system to wave models in a forecast environment. The target areas are the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The proposed activity will focus on the implementation of a coupled system in the operational short-term forecasting framework taking advantage of developments MyWave and MyOcean projects and also available from the regionally operating forecasting systems. The final products of this work will be implemented in the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service. The WAVE2NEMO services are: – Improvement of the NEMO ocean model and the forcing which will explicitly include the effect of waves from wave models on the upper ocean dynamics with. – Software for additional parameters which have to be exchanged between waves and hydrodynamic models. The software will be generic to ensure an easy implementation into existing operational short-term forecasts systems. – Improved validation methods by retrieved wave information from satellite data and in situ platforms (buoys, moorings, HF radars, etc.). – Demonstration of the interaction of waves and currents at small scales both in the middle of oceans and near the shoreline.

Contact person in Ismar: luigi.cavaleri@ismar.cnr.it


  1. Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, (Germany)
  2. National Researche Council – Institute of Marine Sciences, (Italy)
  3. Norwegian Meteorological Institute ,(Norway)
  4. Tallin University of Technology, (Estonia)