Programme: INTERREG Italy-Croatia

Priority Axis 3: Environmental and Cultural Heritage

Project title: Water management solutions for reducing microbial environment impact in coastal areas


Duration: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2021

Total budget: € 2.833.019

ISMAR budget: € 42.521

Web site: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/watercare


WATERCARE overall objective is to reduce the impact of microbial environment contamination in bathing waters and deriving by high and heavy rainfalls drained in the local sewage network, in accordance with EU Directive 2006/7/CE, and addressing SO 3.3 “Improve the environmental quality conditions of the sea and coastal areas by use of sustainable and innovative technologies and approaches”.
This goal will be achieved through a Water Quality Integrated System (composed by a real time hydro-meteorological monitoring network and by a forecast operational model) that will provide a real-time alert system able to preventively identify the potential ecological risk from fecal contamination of bathing waters due to high unusual local riverine floods. WATERCARE aims at helping local authorities to better manage bathing waters and touristic related activities. It offers an instrument of control and good practice for the improvement of sewage discharge and the water quality.

Contact persons in ISMAR: c.ferrarin@ismar.cnr.it


  1. CNR (Italy)
  2. Aset Spa (Italy)
  3. Marche Region – Department of Protection of Water and Protection of soil and coast (Italy)
  4. Abruzzo Region – Department of Infrastructures, Transports, Mobility, Networks and Logistics (Italy)
  5. University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” – Department of Biomolecular Sciences (Italy)
  6. County of Split-Dalmatia (Croatia)
  7. Dubrovnik-Neretva Region (Croatia)
  8. University of Split – Department of Marine Studies (Croatia)
  9. Metris Research Centre (Croatia)
  10. Croatian Waters – Water Management Institute (Croatia)