Programma: European Science Foundation – euromargins

Titolo progetto: Earthquake and tsunami hazards of active faults at the south Iberian margin: deep structure, high resolution imaging and paleo-seismic signature

Acronimo: SWIM

Durata: 2004-2007

Budget totale: € 174.000

Sito Web:

Summary: Integrated, multidisciplinary, cooperative effort for the study of the fundamental geological processes that affected and are affecting the SW Iberian continental margin. In the last decade a large marine geophysical database has been acquired in the Southwest Iberian Margin by different European institutions. We intend to merge the existing data sets already available through this cooperative project. Based on this combined data set we will plan and carry out further geological and geophysical investigations focused on the Jurassic and Cretaceous rifting architecture of SW Iberia and on its Neogene reactivation. One of the main goals of the project is the study of the active processes occurring at continental margins (tectonic deformation, mass sediment flux, and fluid circulation), which determine a high concentration of natural hazards linked to seismicity, tsunami generation, and large submarine mass wasting. The mitigation of these hazards requires an in‐depth knowledge of the dynamics along margins and surrounding basins, and requires multidisciplinary and high‐resolution marine geophysics. The research work will be focused on the South western Margin of the Iberian Peninsula, from the eastern border of the Tagus Plain, to the Gorringe Bank and to the Gulf of Cadiz. We shall also take into account the northern African margin and SE Spanish Margin for a global view.

Contatto in ISMAR: nevio.zitellini@bo.ismar.cnr.it


  1. Consiglio Nazionale Richerche- Instituto di Geologia Marina – Italy
  2. Centre Mediterrani d’Investigacions Marines i Ambientals (CMIMA), Unitat de Tecnologia – Spain
  3. Intitut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale – Fance
  4. Centro de Geofisica da Universidade de Lisboa – Portugal
  5. Université Chouaïb Doukkali – Morocco
  6. Southampton Oceanography Centre – United Kingdom