Programme: INTERREG ITALY-CROATIA (Strategic Projects)

Priority: 2.2 – Increase the safety of the Programme area from natural and man-made Disaster – Flood Risk

Project title: Strategic development of flood management

Acronym: STREAM

Duration: 01/04/2020 – 30/06/2023

Total budget: EUR 9.411.657

ISMAR budget: EUR 403.529

Web site:


In the last decades, flooding events linked to climate change have been on the increase, rising costs and leaving consequences for communities. Cities in the program area are experiencing urban flooding problems caused by extreme weather. The risk of coastal flooding in the region is expected to increase over the next 50-100 years, with urban areas continuing to expand and sea levels expected to rise.

Local authorities and emergency services are not sufficiently prepared to promptly react to crisis situations due to the lack of innovative technologies and adequate equipment. Project STREAM will enhance all stakeholders’ competencies to promptly respond to the flood. STREAM objective is to improve monitoring and risks and to improve the management for prompt reaction in events of flood disasters by creating and developing flood risk maps, flood hazard maps and FRMP, as well as by developing EWS along with raising awareness of citizens. This action will result in increasing safety of the project area from natural and man-made disasters, which will reduce the adverse consequences on human health, environment, cultural heritage, and economic aspects of the area associated with floods. Such improvement of the early warning system will reduce the risk of flood disasters and minimize loss.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Zadar County Development Agency Zadra Nova (Croatia)
  2. Dubrovnik Neretva County (Croatia)
  3. Public Institution Rera Sd for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County (Croatia)
  4. University of Zadar (Croatia)
  5. Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy In Emilia Romagna (Italy)
  6. Regional Strategic Agency for the Eco- Sustainable Development of the Territory – Apulia Region( Italy)
  7. National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)
  8. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (Italy)
  9. Politechnic University of Marche (Italy)
  10. Marche Region (Italy)
  11. Public Body for the Right to Study (Italy)
  12. Public Institution Development Agency of Lika- Senj County (Croatia)
  13. Karlovac County (Croatia)
  14. Town of Poreč – Parenzo (Croatia)
  15. City of Venice (Italy)
  16. IUAV University of Venice (Italy)Croatian Waters (Croatia)
  17. Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
  18. Regional Agency for Territorial Safety and Civil Protection- Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
  19. Puglia Region (Italy)