
Programme: H2020 – Research and Innovation Actions

Project title: Research Lifecycle Management technologies for Earth Science Communities and Copernicus users in EOSC


Duration: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2022

Total Budget: € 1.810.875

ISMAR budget: € 189.125

Web site: n.a.


The overall goal of RELIANCE project is to improve the FAIRness of research at a holistic level in ESOC, not just of the data, methods, code or publications individually, but of the whole research as a single information unit. In order to do that, Reliance proposes a set of complementary services supporting the research lifecycle using Research Objects (RO) as the overarching mechanism that connects the different research related artefacts, extended with data cubes for efficient and scalable structured data access and discovery, as well as rich machine-readable metadata, including metadata extracted from unstructured text, enabling a FAIR access to the underlying research. Accordingly, Reliance project will adapt and integrate into EOSC-hub the following interconnected services: i) RO management and evolution ii) data cubes access, discovery and exploration, and iii) text mining to enrich the RO with extracted metadata in order to make them more machine actionable and enable the creation of added value on top of them.
As part of the integration in EOSC, Reliance services will leverage the existing offering in EOSC, and they will be made available via existing user interfaces and python libraries for use in Jupyter notebooks and other environments. In line with the guidelines to integrate new services into ESOC-hub, Reliance services will connect to core services like the EOSC AAI, but also to other common and thematic services.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk PSNC (Poland)
  2. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR (Italy)
  3. Expert System Iberia ESI (Spain)
  4. Meteorological Environmental Earth Observation MEEO (Italy)
  5. Istituto Nazionale di GeoFisica e Vulcanologia INGV (Italy)
  6. University of Oslo UiO (Norway)
  7. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid UPM (Spain)
  8. Terradue T2 (Italy)
  9. Alpha Consultants LTD ALPHA (United Kingdom)