Programme: INTERREG Adriatic-Ionian Programme – ADRION

Priority Axis 2: Sustainable Region

Project title: geoPortal of Tools &Data for sustainable Management of coAstal and maRine Environment


Duration: 01/03/2017 – 28/02/2019

EU contribution: EUR 1.764.434

ISMAR budget: EUR 170.000

Web site: at work


PORTODIMARE aims to create a common platform (Geoportal) for data and information related to coastal and marine areas of

the Adriatic-Ionian Region, by integrating existing databases, portals and tools developed by previous EU projects, by local and national administrations and by other initiatives. By doing so, most of the available knowledge and resources will be accessible through a single virtual space, that will have the chance to remain operative and be expanded well after the project conclusion.

Furthermore, through the Geoportal several modules for ICZM/MSP analysis and risk evaluation will be accessible, representing a relevant and original improvement supporting transparent and efficient decision-making processes. The Geoportal represents a decisive contribution to the transnational cooperation between AIR Countries on maritime and marine governance and services, i.e. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), and an important support to the EUSAIR Action Plan implementation, cross-cutting to the 4 Pillars of the Strategy. Planning and managing coastal and marine environments following the Ecosystem-Based Approach is the precondition to protect and restore biodiversity and safeguard ecosystem services. With this conviction in mind, the Geoportal will support the development of a common framework and common approaches on environmental protection, sea uses and marine natural resources exploitation for EUSAIR Countries, to address in an integrated and coordinated way present and future challenges related to human pressures and natural changes (e.g. climate change). Being a tool to promote blue growth in the AIR, coastal communities in general will benefit from project outcomes. More concretely, the Geoportal aims to be a daily working tool for decision-makers, practitioners, marine scientists and stakeholders in general.

Contact person in ISMAR: andrea.barbanti@ismar.cnr.it


  1. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Direzione Generale Cura del Territorio e dell’Ambiente, (Italy)
  2. Consorzio per il Coordinamento delle Ricerche inerenti al Sistema Lagunare di Venezia CORILA, (Italy)
  3. Regionalni Razvojni Center Koper RRC Koper, (Slovenia)
  4. Centar za regionalne aktivnosti Programa prioritetnih akcija Regional Activity Centre PAP/RAC, (Croatia)
  5. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR, (Greece)
  6. Zavod za prostorno uređenje Istarske županije ZPUIZ, (Croatia)
  7. Javno preduzeće za upravljanje morskim dobrom Crne Gore, (Montenegro)
  8. Centar za ekonomski, tehnološki i okolinski razvoj Sarajevo CETEOR, (Bosnia-
  9. Herzegovina)
  10. Regione Puglia – Sezione protezione civile ,(Italy)
  11. Regione Abruzzo, (Italy)
  12. Regione Veneto, Sezione Progetto Venezia, (Italy)