Programme: EASME-DG Mare

Project title: Towards the operational implementation of MSP in our common Mediterranean Sea

Acronym: MSP-MED

Duration: 01/03/2020 – 30/10/2022

Total budget: € 3.135.915

ISMAR budget: € 295.149

Web site:


Maritime Spatial Planning emerged worldwide as an important policy tool for planning efficiently marine resource and sustainable development of maritime space. It can also be used to strengthen cross-border cooperation and to support improved ocean governance. The overall objective of MSP-MED is to favour the MSP Directive’s implementation in the Mediterranean Sea, by supporting the establishment of coherent and coordinated maritime spatial plans across the Mediterranean, for promoting a sustainable and long lasting “blue” development. The MSP-MED project will capitalize the results of important EC-funded projects on MSP, recently carried out and ongoing, involving a large part of the EU Member States of the Mediterranean and their MSP Competent Authorities, promoting also the active participation of the other MS and of non-EU Mediterranean countries.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Consorzio per il Coordinamento delle Ricerche Inerenti al Sistema Lagunare di Venezia – CORILA (Italy)
  2. Agence Francaise pour la Biodiversitè (France)
  3. Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine (France)
  4. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (Spain)
  6. Planning Authority (Malta)
  7. Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change (Greece)
  8. Regionalni Razvojni Center Koper Zavod (Slovenia)