Priority Axis 1: Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth

Project title: Mediterranean Innovation STRAtegy for transnational activity of clusters and networks of the Blue Growth

Acronym: MISTRAL

Duration: 01/02/2018 – 31/01/2022

Total budget: € 4.100.000

ISMAR budget: € 42.344

Web site: https://mistral.interreg-med.eu/


The current MED area innovation performance in the blue growth (BG) sector is behind the EU average and there is a lack of transnational and transversal cooperation between the different quadruple helix actors in the BG. The aim of MISTRAL is to strenghten a transnational partnership made up of 8 countries (2 Ministries, 8 Regions, 5 Clusters, 3 RTOs and other organizations) in order to: i) make marine knowledge and sustainable innovation the key drivers for BG, ii) support MED clusters to become an excellent intermediary of knowledge for increasing blue economy, iii) design and implement sustainable development trajectories harmonised with the MED regions Smart Specialization Strategies. The strong partnership, thanks to the open innovation approach, will act as catalyzer for cooperative sustainable innovation actions, placing MISTRAL in a unique position to help the boost of the BG sector in the MED area responding to the programme challenges.
A clustering innovation service pack for BG clusters and operators will improve the innovation performance of at least 300 SMEs with at least 100 experts benefitting from the transnational activities and exchange programmes on capacity building. MISTRAL has the ambition to develop a wider governance vision towards 2020 in the BG sector as well as assuring the effective policy mainstreaming. In conclusion, MISTRAL will be the Blue Innovation wind in the MED area unlocking the innovation potential of the coastal and marine ecosystem.

Contact person in ISMAR: andrea.barbanti@ve.ismar.cnr.it


  1. Emilia Romagna Region (Italy)
  2. ASTER (Italy)
  3. Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
  4. Hellenic Centrefor MarineResearch (Greece)
  5. Maritime Cluster of Balearic Island (Spain)
  6. Pole MerMèditerranèe (France)
  7. Maritime Cluster of Andalusia (Spain)
  8. CNR – DSSTA (Italy)
  9. Regione of Kriti (Greece)
  10. Alentejo Regional Development Agency (Portugal)
  11. National Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation -International Programs Directory (Albania)
  12. Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres (Albania)
  13. Croatian Chamber of Economy (Croatia)
  14. Chrysalis LEAP Limited (Cyprus)
  15. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (Spain)