Programme: Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology – KIOST (South Korea)

Project title: Design of a Stereo Wave Imaging System to be Installed at the Gageocho Ors For Space-Time Observation of Oceanic Waves

Acronym: KIOST

Duration: 01/02/2017 – 30/11/2017

Total Budget: $ 39.600

ISMAR budget: $ 39.600

Web site: at work


Time series measurements of the ocean surface elevation retrieved from wave gauges, ultrasonic instruments or buoys at a fixed point of the ocean have limited information content, and thus do not allow for accurate observation of the space-time wave dynamics and associated statistical and spectral properties during normal and extreme wave conditions. In this project, we propose to apply a state-of-the-art Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) to undertake accurate offshore stereo measurements of oceanic waves both in space and time. Field experiments will be carried out at the oceanographic facility Ieodo ORS, off the Korean coast. In particular, we aim at the accurate estimation of 3D wave fields using a stereo-camera imaging system that will be ad-hoc designed to acquire wave data from the Ieodo ORS. During the project, optimal parameters for the video system will be defined with the purpose of retrieving accurate sea surface elevation fields. The broader impact of the research proposal is two-fold. Firstly, a good knowledge of the 3D wave fields during extreme sea states (up to the typhoon scale) will allow to improve the correct parameterization of wave extremes, leading to improvements in the probabilistic prediction of these extremes and to a better knowledge of the wave climate. On the other hand, this research provides the basis for a further development of WASS as an observational video technology for the monitoring of air-sea interaction processes (e.g. during breaking events or under rain) in offshore areas.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  • Alvise Benettazzo
  • Luigi Cavaleri
  • Francesco Barbariol
  • Mauro Sclavo
  • Filippo Bergamasco