Programme: INTERREG Adriatic-Ionian Programme – ADRION

Priority Axis 2: Sustainable Region

Project title: Integrated Sea sTORm Management Strategies

Acronym: I-STORMS

Duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019

EU and IPA contribution: EUR 1.405.787

ISMAR budget: EUR 193.905

Web site: at work


In adapting its Climate Change indicators according to the IPCC V Assessment Report (2014), the EEA has introduced two indicators relevant for the I-STORMS project: a) flood & health as “extreme coastal high-water events have increased the risk of river & coastal flooding in many European regions”; b) storms as they “may lead to structural damage, flooding & storm surges”. Indeed, extreme sea storms events are recognized, by the scientific community, as one of the major factors, together with the anthropic pressures, affecting the coastal changes. Coastal flooding & erosion, impacts on ecosystems, damages to infrastructures & productive activities can be worsen if combined with the absence of adequate early warning systems, coordinated strategies, coastal management & planning with significant related economic costs. The territorial challenges linked to lack of shared information & know-how on sea storms, poor macro-regional cooperation, low data interoperability, lack of coordination & exchange on civil protection procedures will be jointly faced by the I-STORMS partners. The aim is to enhance transnational cooperation sharing knowledge, data & forecasts through a common infrastructure, joint strategies to deal with sea storm emergencies, improving at the same time countries’ capacities on data interoperability, early warning & civil protection procedures, in alignment with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The innovative approach on data sharing, the common guidelines on early warning & civil protection, the transnational strategy, and the permanent cooperation table set up by the project will ensure that current challenges are faced & overcome in the framework of EUSAIR and with a medium-term implementation perspective. Project benefits will firstly tackle citizens of the Adriatic-Ionian coastal areas and competent public administrations, but also decision makers, sectoral agencies, marine productive activities, research & scientific community.

Contact person in ISMAR: c.ferrarin@ismar.cnr.it


  1. Città di Venezia, (Italy)
  2. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze Marine CNR-ISMAR, (Italy)
  3. Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione, L’ambiente e L’energia dell’Emilia-Romagna ARPAE, (Italy)
  4. Agencija RS za Okolje ARSO, (Slovenija)
  5. Regione Puglia ARCP, (Italy)
  6. Keshilli I Qarkut Durres RCD, (Albania)
  8. Instituti I Gjeoshkencave, Energjisë, Ujit Dhe Mjedisit IGEWE, (Albania)
  9. Državni Hidrometeorološki Zavod, (Croatia)