Programme: FP 7 – Combination of Collaborative project and Coordination and Support Actions for Integrating Activities

Project title: New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets


Duration: 01/03/2013 – 28/02/2017

EU contribution: EUR 9.000.000

ISMAR budget: EUR 407.578

Web site:


EUROFLEETS2 will enhance integration through specific actions aimed at consolidating the organization, methodology and tools initiated during EUROFLEETS1 and through operational initiatives towards more integrated, interoperable and cost effective

European fleets for the benefit of academic, industrial and operational marine research.

The objectives are:

  • Promote a larger integration of European RVs. In fact in EUROFLEETS2 a higher participation of RVs is expected: 8 Ocean/Global; 14 regional RVs and 6 mobile equipment pieces not accessible on their usual national support vessel;
  • Integrate a common polar vision in the strategic vision of the European marine research fleets;
  • Promote exchanges of movable equipment on board European RVs and in doing so fostering high operational interoperability within Europe; • Further integrate the European RVs by coordinating multivessels experiments (super-integration) for larger and ambitious marine research missions;
  • Initiate operational initiatives demonstrating the higher interoperability of European fleets;
  • Enhance the impact of research infrastructures on innovation by fostering the involvement of industry with specific activities, both as a user and as a supplier of such facilities; • Make an important step towards a sustainable European Regional RVs Infrastructure and prepare its possible insertion into the ESFRI roadmap.

Contact person in Ismar:


  1. AWI – Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, (Germany)
  2. CNR – National Research Council, (Italy)
  3. CSIC – Spanish National Research Council, (Spain)
  4. DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, (Germany)
  5. DTU-AQUA – Technical University of Denmark, (Denmark)
  6. IOPAS – Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, (Poland)
  7. IPEV – French Polar Institute Paul-Emile Victor, (Franc)
  8. MARIS – Marine Information Service, (Netherlands)
  9. MARUM – University Bremen – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, (Germany)
  10. MI – Marine Institute, (Ireland)
  11. OGS – National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, (Italy)
  12. PROLLION – Prollion, (France)
  13. RBINS – Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, (Belgium)
  14. SHIPS – Ship Studio SARL, (France)
  15. SPRS – Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, (Sweden)
  16. TÜBITAK – Scientific and Technological Research Council, (Turkey)
  17. TUT – Tallinn University of Technology, (Estonia)
  18. UdG – University of Girona, (Spain)
  19. UNIZG-FER – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, (Croatia)
  20. ESF – European Science Foundation, (France)
  21. EurOcean – EurOcean Foundation, (Portugal)
  22. FAMRI – Faroe Marine Research Institute, (Faroe Islands)
  23. GeoEcoMar – National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology, (Romania)
  24. GINR – Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, (Greenland)
  25. HCMR – Hellenic Center for Marine Research, (Greece)
  26. IEO – Spanish Institute of Oceanography, (Spain)
  27. Ifremer – French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, (France)
  28. IMR – Institute for Marine Research, (Norway)
  29. IO-BAS – Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Science, (Bulgaria)
  30. IOF – Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, (Croatia)
  31. VLIZ – Flanders Marine Institute, (Belgium)