Programme: Tender ESA

Project title: Phase-0 Science and Requirement Consolidation Study – Ocean and Sea Ice


Duration: 01/08/2019 – 31/12/2020

Total budget: € 259.976

ISMAR budget: € 26.000

Web site: n.a.


In response to ESA Express Procurement EXPRO for STEREOID Phase-0 Science and Requirement Consolidation Study – Ocean and Sea Ice, the Technische Universiteit Delft is coordinating a science study aimed at STEREOID mission scientific requirements consolidation. STEREOID is one of the Earth Explorer 10 candidate missions and it is focused on the cryosphere, oceans and solid earth domain observation, addressing some major scientific, operational, and societal needs. The mission objectives are clearly stated, quantified and justified with respect to the science goals. However, the requirement definition and their traceability is incomplete. Requirements for the VNIR and TIR payload are only available on high level and they are not traceable to the mission objectives. CNR will contribute to the refinement of the scientific requirements for ocean applications and to the specific activities linked to the definition of VNIR and TIR payload requirements. CNR will also contribute to the performance assessment and study wrap-up.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands)
  2. CNR-ISMAR (Italy)