Programme: Tender ESA

Project title: Plastic Litter Project: Detection and monitoring of artificial plastic targets with satellite imagery and UAV

Acronym: ESA-PLP

Duration: 15/06/2020 – 14/06/2022

Total budget: € 175.000

ISMAR budget: € 35.000

Web site: n.a.


This project is for designing and deploying permanent at-sea infrastructure andre-deployable target structures, with polymer composition representative of what is reported in the literature, for the calibration and validation of marine debris detection methodologies. Multi- and hyper-spectral imagery from UAV mounted cameras will form part of the datasets produced. All data will be stored on a database to be shared with the scientific community upon request.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. University of the Aegian (Greece)
  2. CNR-ISMAR (Italy)
  3. A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd (Cyprus)
  4. Azioni sul documento