Programme: LIFE + – LIFE13 ENV/FR/000851

Project title: Demonstration of an innovative ORC module to improve the efficiency of European fishing vessels


Duration: 01/06/2014 – 30/06/2018

EU contribution: EUR 622 833

ISMAR budget: EUR 231.329

Web site: http://www.efficientship.eu/


The LIFE + EfficientShip project targets the marine fishing sector, whose fleet is largely based on diesel engines and generates significant GHG emissions. It aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of an innovative technology to reduce these emissions by 5 to 10%. This ambitious environmental objective will be coupled with both economic and societal concerns, respecting the principles of the sustainable development and of the green and blue growth. The EfficientShip solution will interest the majority of European fishing vessels, offering a solution for sustaining an important economic activity, endangered by the increase of fuel costs.

In concrete terms, the main project’s stakes are:

  • To adapt an innovative heat recovery technology (ORC) to marines engines, allowing the reduction of between 5 to 10% of the GHG emissions.
  • To allow the sustainability of an endangered European cultural socio-economic activity by offering an efficient solution for reducing the operating costs.
  • To raise awareness of the European fishing sector on the importance of the reduction of the vessels GHG emissions in a context of global warming.

Contact person in ISMAR: e.notti@an.ismar.cnr.it


  1. ENOGIA SAS, (France)
  2. IFP Energies nouvelles, (France)
  3. Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation Ltd, (Ireland)
  4. National Research Council, (Italy)
  5. Azioni sul documento