Programme: INTERREG Italy-Croatia – Standard + projects

Priority Axis 3: Environment and cultural heritage

Project title: Capitalization actions for aDriatic marine envirOnment pRotection and ecosYstem based management

Acronym: DORY

Duration: 01/01/2018 – 30/06/2019

EU contribution: EUR 934.405

ISMAR budget: EUR 102.225

Web site: at work


The Adriatic Sea is characterized by an invaluable richness of natural marine and fish resources which is the basis for tourism, recreational and fishing activities and contribute to Adriatic cultural heritage. However, despite protections measures, the increased human use of marine and coastal space and resources in particular for fishing and aquaculture activities which are key sectors for Adriatic Regions, has intensified pressures on coastal and marine ecosystems threatening its vitality and the whole environmental quality of the sea. Moreover, MPAs in Adriatic-generally small and costal- suffer from inappropriate planning or management process and degradation of the unprotected surrounding ecosystem. Strengthened sustainable and science-based management of fisheries, improved sustainable practices and knowledge on technical solutions to reduce ecological impact of fisheries and aquaculture, Improved integrated planning capabilities and ecosystem-based approach are common challenges for protection of marine habitat and species in Adriatic. In this sense, several attempts have been conducted also thanks to ETC projects. In particular, ECOSEA project (IPA CBC 2007-2013) contributed to introduce integrated and common management principles for long-term sustainability of marine resource based on: best available scientific advice, stakeholder involvement, sustainable practices and advanced MSP tool. On these bases, DORY project intends to capitalize ECOSEA results and its cooperation network, to strengthen Adriatic institutional dialogue and promote the adoption of common management models for sustainable fisheries to reduce economic activities threats on Adriatic marine stocks, and knowledge based tools to enhance biodiversity in terms of priority and essential fish habitats and to halt aquaculture ecological impact. Focusing on Italian and Croatian area, DORY will carry out pilot activities to test the cross-border management model on high commercial value and overexploited shared stock and DISPLACE tool to define, with stakeholders’ and under scientific evidences, measures to manage and regulate catches and provide for scenario of alternative spatial management measures and fishing effort/catches redistribution. DORY will moreover carry out pilot application of innovative techniques to reduce fishing activity impact on overexploited stock and reduce aquaculture activities ecological impact. DORY will also lays the foundation for the setting up of a CB protected area for overexploited species recovery and protection. Moreover the project activities will improve strategic and operational competences of policy makers, technicians, MPAs managers, operators, researchers in project area, making available the stock of knowledge and tools also to whole EUSAIR coastal regions.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Regione Marche, (Italy)
  2. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-ISMAR, (Italy)
  3. Regione Veneto, (Italy)
  4. Regione Emilia Romagna, (Italy)
  5. Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, (Italy)
  6. Public Institution RERA SD (Croatia),
  7. Zadar County, (Croatia)
  8. IOF (Croatia)