Programme: 2014 – 2020 Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia CBC Programme Call for proposal 2021 Cluster

Priority Axis 2: Safety and Resilience

Project title: Climate REsponses for the AdriaTic rEgion

Acronym: CREATE

Duration: 01/06/2022 – 30/06/2023

Project budget: € 599.692

ISMAR budget: € 92.000

Web site:

During the implementation of the projects financed under Axis 2 of the programme, important results have been developed for supporting actors in shaping responses to climate change impacts in the programme area, yet this knowledge is dispersed across different websites and platforms. The CREATE cluster will jointly analyse and synthesize results achieved in all relevant projects and provide systematic access to this knowledge. It will enhance transferability of project results using an on-line tool, a good practice handbook, as well as conferences, workshops and webinars with partners and stakeholders and initiatives for showcasing good implementation examples.
Create will use the knowledge communication and dissemination for increasing awareness among local and regional actors in the programme area on options and benefits from climate action across the programme area to prepare the ground for more effective and more efficient partnerships between knowledge providers and local actors

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (Italy)
  2. Uav University of Venice (Italy)
  3. National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences (Italy)
  4. Abruzzo Region (Italy)
  5. Pap/Rac Priority Action Programme Regional Activity Centre (Croatia)
  6. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)
  7. County of Split-Dalmatia (Croatia)
  8. Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (Croatia)