Programma: FP 5

Titolo Progetto: Continental slope stability

Acronimo: COSTA

Durata: 2000-2003

Budget Totale: € 3.118.700

Sito Web:

Sommario: The main objective of the COSTA project is the assessment of continental slope stability along the European Continental Margin with respect to natural processes and human activity. Progress in resolving these major issues are to be achieved through the examination of:

  1. sediment failures from prehistoric to recent times,
  2. areas prone to sliding, and
  3. potential areas of deep-water oil & gas exploration in co-operation with industry. The frequency and magnitude of slope failures are to be quantified, as they effect marine ecosystems, man-made structures and continental coastlines, shelves and slopes. Potential triggers such as gas hydrates slip planes and sediment-flow dynamics are to be studied on glaciated-dominated (N Atlantic) as well as river-dominated (W Mediterranean) margins, and small- versus medium- versus mega scale slides. This also will lay the foundation for a systematic advancement in our ability to predict risks inherent in continental slopes.

Contatto in ISMAR:


  1. University of Tromsoe – Norway
  2. National Research Council – CNR/ISMAR – Italy
  3. Institut Français de Recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer – IFREMER – France
  4. University of Bergen – Norway
  5. University of Oslo – Norway
  6. Natural Environment Research Council – United Kingdom
  7. University of Barcelona – Spain