Programme: Copernicus Marine Service

Project title: Validation and Intercomparison of Global Ocean Reanalyses for Mesoscale


Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023

Project budget: € 90.000

ISMAR budget: € 90.000

Web site: n/a

The Global Ocean Reanalysis (GLORAN) component of CMEMS is designed to provide, among a large portfolio of products, long-term physical reanalyses of the global ocean, covering at least the era of satellite altimetry, along with their scientific assessment. CNR-ISMAR is leading the activities of validation and intercomparison of CMEMS ensemble global reanalyses (GREP) focusing on mesoscale eddies. We will use a three dimensional eddy tracking scheme to understand the statistics of eddy population, duration in GREP and compare with higher resolution of ocean reanalysis (CMEMS GLORYS12). The eddy tracking will provide us the base to investigate eddy induced kinetic energy, mixed layer depth, vertical velocity, Ekman pumping and heat/salt transport, etc. The objective is to understand the uncertainty of the climate signals present in reanalyses dataset at mesoscale and to ensure the quality of reanayses data used in ocean and climate studies related to mesoscale eddies.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  • CNR-ISMAR (Italy)