Programme: TENDER UE Copernicus-Mercator Ocean
Project title: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service- SST contract 78-CMEMS-TAC-SST
Duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/01/2021
Total budget: € 2.900.000
ISMAR budget: € 640.000
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This document describes the technical proposal in response to the Mercator Ocean (MO) tender for the provision of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) products at a global scale and at the regional scales for the European Seas, to be integrated as part of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). This SST Thematic Assembly Centre (TAC) will provide state of the art level 3 (L3) and 4 (L4) products based primarily on satellite observational data, both for dissemination to external users and for use internally within CMEMS. Users require both global products and products designed for specific European regions. These need to be provided operationally in near real time, and multi-year reprocessed products (MYP). Ocean monitoring indicators derived from the MYPs are also required to provide consistent descriptions of the ocean state over the past decades. The SST TAC is responsible for ensuring the quality of their products by planning and carrying out validation of their products, instigating quality control checks of incoming data streams and then monitoring the quality of the data it produces. Interaction with users is another important component of the SST TAC’s responsibilities, for example via provision of quality information documents and user manuals and by responding to queries received through the CMEMS service desk.
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