
Programme: TENDER UE Copernicus-ECMWF

Project title: Copernicus Climate Service – Quality Assessment of ECV products ECMWF C3S_511 -SERVICE CONTRACT

Acronym: C3S_511

Duration: 01/09/2017 – 30/06/2021

Total budget: € 4.880.000

ISMAR budget: € 1.520.000

Web site: https://climate.copernicus.eu/


In order to ensure reliable access to high-quality ECV products via the CDS, ECMWF has issued a number of service contracts for production of Climate Data Records (CDRs) and Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs). These contracts, supplemented with a second batch to be initiated in 2017, will address the majority of the ECVs listed in Volume II of the ITT. C3S is also supporting the production of a new generation of global and regional climate reanalyses, at ECMWF and elsewhere, that are designed to provide physically consistent estimates of multiple ECVs. In addition, CDRs, ICDRs and reanalyses that are produced independently from C3S can potentially be made available via the CDS.
Decisions to add specific ECV products to the CDS catalogue, whether produced by C3S or not, must be guided by user demand, scientific integrity and traceability of the products, ease of use and reliability of continuous access. Independent assessments addressing each of these elements will be provided by the C3S Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) function, which is designed to ensure the quality of all products and services delivered by C3S.

Contact person in ISMAR: rosalia.santoleri@ismar.cnr.it, chunxue.yang@cnr.it


  1. ECMWF (United Kingdom)
  2. CNR (Italy)