Programme: INTERREG Adriatic-Ionian Programme – ADRION

Priority Axis 1: Innovative and smart region

Project title: Promoting small scale fisheries and aquaculture transnational networking in Adriatic-Ionian macroregion

Acronym: ARIEL

Duration: 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019

EU and IPA contribution: EUR 1.392.393

ISMAR budget: EUR 195.041

Web site: at work


Small-scale fishery (SSF) and aquaculture (AQ) are emergent sectors and represent key drivers for the sustainable growth of Adriatic-Ionian (AI) communities Beside their socio-economic importance, these sectors are composed of several micro-companies, providing an atomized entrepreneurial landscape and tending to be marginalized in decision-making processes. Now SSF and AQ are facing common challenges: key enabling technologies and capacity creation, improved technological and market researches for more cost-effective and sustainable solutions, resources co-management, science-based policies, improved biological and production data collection and assessment, viability and sustainability of ecosystem function. ARIEL aims to promote technological and non-technological solutions for innovation of SSF and AQ among scientists-policy-makers-entrepreneurs, acting as a knowledge network and taking into account in a single frame the complex ecological, economic and societal challenges. ARIEL will develop capacity-building actions for policy makers for the adoption of a science-based approach to improve resources co-management and develop appropriate supporting schemes to stimulate actors clustering. Project activities will lead to strategic and operational guidelines to promote open innovation in SSF and AQ led by research institutes, facilitated by policy makers, endorsed by entrepreneurs and recognized by consumers. ARIEL will promote uptaking in small scale fisheries and aquaculture of open innovation led research, facilitated by policy and endorsed by operators involving multiple-skills organizations from Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece able to strategically/operationally tackle the complex challenges of SSF and AQ sectors growth in the Adriatic-Ionian Region and able to identify key innovation drivers for policy and research as well as ensure project results durability and transferability

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-ISMAR, (Italy)
  2. Regione Marche, (Italy)
  3. Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo IOR, (Croatia)
  4. Javna ustanova RERA SD za koordinaciju irazvoj Splitsko-dalmatinske županije PI RERA SD, (Croatia)
  5. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR, (Greece)
  6. Univerzitet Crne Gore-Institut za biologiju mora IBMK, (Montenegro)
  7. Regione Sicilia – Dipartimento della Pesca Mediterranea, (Italy)
  8. Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede I Ruralnog Razvoja Moard, (Montenegro)
  9. Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας RWG, (Greece)