
Programme: INTERREG ITALY-CROATIA (Strategic Projects)

Priority: 2.1 – Improve the climate change monitoring and planning of adaptation

measures tackling specific effects, in the cooperation area – Climate change adaptation

Project title: Climate change information, monitoring and management tools for adaptation

Acronym: AdriaClim

Duration: 01/01/2020 – 30/06/2023

Total budget: EUR 8.823.415

ISMAR budget: EUR 390.000

Web site:


The Mediterranean Sea and specifically the Adriatic coastal and marine areas are particularly vulnerable to climate-related risks. The sea surface temperature of the Adriatic Sea will increase of about +1.5/1.6°C in 2050 and sea level will increase of +7 cm with consequent negative impacts on coastal areas and marine ecosystem services.

In Italy and Croatia climate monitoring, modelling and adaptation are necessary to face this crucial climate challenge and to turn potential threats into economic opportunities. AdriaClim will develop accurate information able to support the development of regional and local climate change adaptation plans. In particular coastal adaptation planning, for a sustainable blue economy, will be developed based on reliable and accurate information on local sea level rise, sea temperature and salinity, coastal erosion, etc. AdriaClim will consolidate the climate change monitoring (observing and modelling) and planning of measures for strengthening the adaptation capacity in Italy and in Croatia also building upon cross-border cooperation. AdriaClim will develop consolidate and enhance climate monitoring systems and innovative data handling for fostering knowledge and cooperation for adaptation strategies planning in coastal and marine environment.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy in Emilia Romagna (Italy)
  2. National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)
  3. Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of Veneto (Italy)
  4. Zadar County Development Agency Zadra Nova (Croatia)
  5. Dubrovnik Neretva County (Croatia)
  6. Ruder Boskovic Institute (Croatia)
  7. Public Institution Rera Sd for Coordination and Development of Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia)
  8. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)
  9. Apulia Region (Italy)
  10. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (Italy)
  11. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy)
  12. Environmental Protection Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
  13. Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)( Italy)
  14. Marche Region – Productive Activities, Education and Labour (Italy)
  15. Local Health Authority Nr 3 (Italy)
  16. Molise Region (Italy)
  17. Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
  18. City of Venice (Italy)
  19. Region of Istria (Croatia)