Programme: TENDER Copernicus-Mercator Ocean

Project title: Fourniture de Reanalyses Oceaniques Globales dans le MFC GLO- 114 R&D GLO RAN CMEMS

Acronym: 114 R&D GLO RAN CMEMS

Duration: 01/07/2019 – 31/03/2021

Total budget: € 85.000

ISMAR budget: € 85.000

Web site: n.a.


The aim of this project is to set up a real-time monitoring service that provides timely, self-consistent and validated diagnostics and their uncertainty of fundamental ocean variables and dynamic processes in the tropical oceans, define potential OMIs and understand the differences and consistency of ocean dynamic processes and interactions between the tropical oceans from the CMEMS ensemble ocean reanalyses. The possible reasons for the diversity of the ocean reanalyses in terms of ocean processes, prominent modes in the tropics will be addressed. For example, the data assimilation scheme, model physics, model resolution and atmospheric forcing could contribute to the discrepancy of the ensemble.

Contact person in ISMAR: chunxue.yang@cnr.it