

Programme: INTERREG INTERREG Italy-Slovenia SO 2.4

CNR Strategic Area: AP2

Project title: TREzze, tegnue e ambienti marini dell’alto Adriatico: Capitalizzazione

Acronym: TRECAP

Role in the project: Partner

Duration: 01/04/2019 – 31/01/2023

Total budget: € 594.011,00

ISMAR budget: € 100.132,00

Web site: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/trecap

Key words: Tegnùe, North Adriatic, Pinna nobilis, best practices, education

The primary objective of the project is the capitalization of the technical-scientific advances developed by the former TRETAMARA project concluded in 2022 and their transposition into best practices for the management, conservation and use of the Italian and Slovenian submerged benthic habitats of high ecological value present in the northern Adriatic. The partnership includes OGS (Lead Partner), Shoreline Soc. Coop., NIB, CNR, Acquarium of Piran, Municipality of Caorle.
TRECap will benefit from the participation of a multidisciplinary group, with expertise in coastal oceanography, ecology and marine geology to contribute to the development of management actions aimed at protecting marine biodiversity and defining a suitable context for the development of sustainable blue economy through information and educational actions.
The CNR-ISMAR will work on the characterization and monitoring of benthic habitats with innovative techniques, as a management practices for the protected areas in the coastal waters of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia. Specific conservation actions will be implemented for the priority species Pinna nobilis (larval recruitment, juvenile replanting, genetic mapping).

Contact person in ISMAR: alessandro.bergamasco@cnr.it

1. OGS Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (Italy)
2. Shoreline Società Cooperativa (Italy)
3. Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (Slovenia)
4. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Istituto di Scienze Marine (Italy)
5. Univerza na Primorskem – Università del Litorale (Slovenia)
6. Comune di Caorle (Italy)