ENGIE - Progetto scuola



Project title: Encouraging Girls to Study Geosciences and Engineering

Acronym: ENGIE

Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/12/2022

Total budget: € 1.113.917

ISMAR budget: € 102.125

Web site: https://www.engieproject.eu/


The ENGIE project aims to turn the interest of girls to study geosciences and geo-engineering, and thus to improve the gender balance in these disciplines. The project is developing an awareness-raising strategy and creating a stakeholder collaboration network for the implementation of a set of outreach actions in more than 22 European countries.

Contact person in ISMAR: silvia.giuliani@bo.ismar.cnr.it


  1. University of Miskolc (Hungary)
  2. Luleå University of Technology and University of Zagreb (Croatia)
  3. National Research Council (Italy)
  4. La Palma Research Centre (Spain)
  5. European Federation of Geologists
  6. 20 of EFG’s national associations take part in the project implementation as Linked Third Parties and are extending the project activities to more than 20 European countries.