Programme: P.O. MED INTERREG (2014-2020)

Priority Axis 3: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources

Project title: Actions for Marine Protected Areas PLUS

Acronym: AMAre PLUS

Duration: 01/06/2021 – 30/06/2022 (13 months)

EU contribution: EUR 400.000

ISMAR budget: EUR 70.000

Web site:

Summary: AMAre PLUS, through a close collaboration between scientists and MPA Management Bodies, will transfer three highly connected products developed in the framework of the AMAre Project:

  1. the Spatial Geoportal to collect fine scale data on biodiversity status, environmental variables, human pressures distribution and intensity, relevant for management and for exchanging information among MPAs;
  2. protocols for ecological monitoring;
  3. best practices for the management of human uses and the achievement of the EU legislation goals.

The aim is to transfer standards to harmonize the high monitoring/management heterogeneity characterizing present Mediterranean MPAs, contributing to the implementation of an effective MPA network, instrumental to maximize the effects of protection on biodiversity and recommended by EU policies.

Contact person in ISMAR:


National Inter-Universities Consortium for the Marine Science – CoNISMa (Italy)
National Research Council, Institute of Marine Science – CNR-ISMAR (Italy)
Spanish National Research Council (Spain)
Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan (Slovenian)
Association for Fishing and Maritime Activities – APAM (France)
Management Body of Samaria National Park – Western Crete (Greece)