
Declinazione al femminile dell’educazione scientifica e tecnica e della sua disseminazione

Sea state and wind field are key geophisical parameters for both scientific and civil applications. For example, weather forecasters are interested in them, as well as people interested in deploying new sustainable sources of energy such as wind plants. Even people who simply want to enjoy their holidays may be. This seminar will give some highlights about the remote sensing activities relating to these parameters carried out by Giuseppe Grieco at ISMAR.

Collegamento WEBEX:

“Partecipando a questo incontro, accetti che lo stesso venga registrato e reso disponibile sul cloud di ISMAR. Dalla registrazione verranno eliminati lista dei partecipanti e chat”
Ricordiamo a tutti di tenere spento il proprio microfono. Accenderlo solo in caso di intervento.

“By accessing this meeting you acknowledge that it will be recorded and made available on the ISMAR cloud. Chat and participant list will not be recorded.”
We ask everybody to mute their microphone, unless intervening. Please write your questions in the chat

Il gruppo seminari CNR-ISMAR, Alessandra Conversi (Lerici), Filomena Loreto (Bologna), Gianluigi Liberti (Roma) e Camilla Palmiotto (Bologna).
